Monday, September 8, 2014

Many naysayers and de-bunkers argue that most, if not all of the released Government and Military documents as forgeries. Their argument is simply this, “why would an INSIDER, risk leaking documents? What is the mentality behind an individual who would risk their rank, freedom, and retirement pension to do such a thing? All serious researchers understand that de-bunkers, by their nature are really only interested in being seen and getting any point of view out that gets them into the lime-light. Unlike a skeptic, a de-bunker’s only focus is not finding the truth, but building up their case (No matter HOW far flung) in the opposite direction.

The Military Environment:

We must first understand the environment of the Military and its ranking structure before we can gain full understanding of what’s going in the this subversive world of secrecy. As a former military specialist holding a Secret security clearance, there is a coveted, prideful air surrounding ones secret security clearance. The higher one’s military rank, the more coveted the security clearance.
Then we have the MOS or Military Occupational Specialty. This is the job one applies for when entering the military. Back when I joined these jobs and their specific codes were found in a small catalog, today of course the jobs are all digitized and can be found on just about any military website. Here is the other seldom mentioned situation we have here with covert military jobs and assignments, they are NOT found in these MOS list and categories. Oh no, you will never find, Extraterrestrial research, or UFO investigator, or even Advanced Propulsion systems listed on the military’s open ranking systems of job offers. So how then do these top officers finds themselves in charge of places like Area 51, Papoose Lake, AUTEC, and others? It’s simple, they are INDUCTED!

The Mentality:

That’s right, when one gets to be a major or above in the military you are watched and scrutinized very closely. They, the super covert directors of these programs are looking for newly ranking individuals who fit a certain profile. The profile usually consists of over-achievers, who have a high level of attention to detail. Their career record is pristine and these individuals are methodical in keeping them that way. They are the best of the best and have brandished their entire career to ensure they stand out. As all good officers should, they live to be promoted, to be rewarded for being the best of the best. It is however, the main reason that makes them great candidates unfortunately. 
One fateful day they are either summoned to appear before a board or they are visited by one or more very high ranking individuals who bear new orders for them. They are told they have been watched for a while, even years and the watchers like what they have seen. The packet handed to them or presented to them bears all the official seals and documents of their new rank post orders and or assignment. Some of them are not allowed to take the packet out of the office and in some cases even out of the presence of the presenters. They are given a very short time frame of which to accept or refuse this offer. This is the pivotal point of this young officer’s career. Any high ranking officer knows (Who is worth the rank upon their collar) there are some job promotions where a refusal means a career death. In other words, whatever rank you were when you refused the rank or promotion, is the rank you will have for the rest of your active career.

So, imagine if you will, a seasoned officer, eager and ready to take on any and all military challenges as is his or hers life time duty. Yet nothing prepares them for what is inside the promotional packet they were given. As they read through the new assignment they are floored at what they find. It rocks their entire being and a sense of surreal calm washes over them as they read on in the presence of the officer or officers bearing the news. The Oz effect starts to wane as they regain their composure and realize the men in attendance are awaiting an answer, like right now. I mean, how hard can it be, if you were offered the position, then someone before you also had it and kept it. You stuff the papers back into the large envelope and extend a right hand and one of them accepts it as you tender your verbal acceptance. You have heard of promotions like these, special invitation they’re called, the ones you don't refuse.

Herein we have the answer to why someone on the inside would leak such information to the outside. You see, they did not choose the posts they now hold, they were inducted, tricked and coerced into this pressure filled duty wherein literally the world constantly hangs in the balance. For individuals like these, and there must be many of them, they are tired, tired of the lies, the hiding and what must be the most nerve-racking job in human history. For individuals like these the only way out of such clandestine job title is to destroy its clandestine nature. They cannot personally implement such a move due the nature of their position, but they can help facilitate its demise from the inside. The oath they took would have them ostracized from the military facing jail time, and the loss of their rank and pensions. I wouldn't expect anyone never being a part of the military, especially anyone not holding a Secret security clearance to understand this. 
No human being could even understand the full scope of holding such a title and position until it was too late. The medication and counseling must be an ongoing battle, not to mention the loss of family and friends. So, the next time someone asserts" there is no way such earth-shattering revelations could come from the inside, think about you've just learned.